The Iphone has over 85,000 applications for people to download. I was listening to the radio the other morning and the DJs were discussing this application called the "Vanity" ap. What you do is take a picture of yourself and your Iphone will tell you if you are hot or not based on a scale of 1 - 10. In fact, the DJ said that if Angelina Jolie only scored a 8.5 on this scale, so what are your chances of scoring higher than Angie.

I think that people do not need to find out how hot they are. This is disturbing that Apple has many aps that are useless. More concerning is that if they did not score well, then this may damage their own self esteem. I realize that some aps may be useful and some may not, but I guess it depends on who is using them and for what purpose.
I found more interesting ap that is out, which is beneficial to everyone. It is the "Lose It" ap which helps count calories and lets you input some exercises as well.

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